West Coast Times

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About Us

West Coast Times is based in Perth, Western Australia, and is a new start-up enterprise seeking to identify new ways to help promote this amazing state and to help residents and visitors alike to access relevant information about the state.

The website address for the site is http://www.WestCoastTimes.au, The site is new and further changes relating to domain names and hosting accounts are likely to take place as the site evolves.

This website is designed to help inform visitors about various aspects of Western Australia, and Western Australian society and help promote community organisations, events and activities etc. The site is currently under development, with potential new features regularly being researched, trialed, tested and where appropriate incorporated into the site.

Under the Australian Copyright Act 1968, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. If anyone considers the content of the site, including links may be infringing their rights, they should contact us immediately via the email address displayed near the bottom of this page, identifying the location of the offending link(s). We will investigate the claim and make adjustments as appropriate.

This site is privately operated as a Not-For-Profit, Social Enterprise, operating under the oversight of The Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

This website is made freely available for the online promotion of local and statewide community organisations and may be linked to without requiring the authority of the site operators. The site also exists for the dissemination of information about Western Australia both locally and internationally. The site is edited using Google Sites and uses the Google.com search engine to drive directory searches.

The site also promotes local and statewide businesses and other organisations through the use of Google's Adsense and other services to assist local businesses and organisations in promoting their activities and services online.

We believe that visitors are always right and are seeking input to help identify what additional features visitors wish to see on this website. Almost anything is possible depending on what results visitors wish to see, and depending on our ability to create new features or source relevant software applications. For example, more local directories could be added to cover different locations around the state, or local social networks could be added along with various other features. The site is hosted on Google servers using the Google Sites application to edit content and add features, so a broad range of new and exciting features could potentially be added.

The domain name WestCoastTimes.au and other related domain names such as WesternAustralia.online are registered under the oversight and authority of the 'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers' ICANN, and the 'Australian Domain Name Administrator' auDA. As members of each of these regulatory organisations, we abide by their guidelines in the provision of online services to the public. 

The term 'West Coast Times' ranks high at the major search engines and the site acts in cooperation with relevant organisations to help promote a better Australian social and economic environment for the benefit of all.

No visitor data is collected or stored at this site by the site operators. Data may however possibly be collected by others such as ISPs, hosting companies, government, and law enforcement agencies with who we are happy to cooperate, although over who we have no authority.

The website was first backed up to https://web.archive.org/web/20230701000000*/westcoasttimes.au on the 12 June 2023 and should ideally always be viewable at that address. We will endeavour to ensure that the website continues to be backed up to that address on a regular basis for historical purposes and to help retrieve information that may become lost over time.

My Bio

I have been involved in the creative and technological fields throughout my life. Starting in 1966, I built electrical and electronics equipment for GEC (UK) until 1976, plus was for a short while involved in telephone exchange installation. From 1976 until 1981 worked as a technical illustrator for GEC, when my family and I migrated to Australia. Then from 1981 to 1983, I worked as a design draftsman for GEC Industrial products in Sydney, New South Wales.

On arrival in Perth, Western Australia in late 1983, I worked for a while as a draftsman and then Joined TAFE (Technical and Further Education) based at Prospect Place North Perth.

I was working as a graphic designer in 1986, when personal computers first arrived in Western Australia, and swiftly embraced this new technology, using it to create digital art for print publishing, including educational books and annual reports for the Western Australian Government. With the introduction of the first Macs, my team of nine artists and I transitioned from traditional graphic design and illustration techniques to the use of computers, creating various types of artwork, including animated sequences for educational materials and the TAFE annual report to Parliament in 1991. These were interesting times in the transition from traditional methods of design, production, and administration into the amazing age of computers.

An Apple representative first introduced me to the internet in 1991 while I was working at TAFE External Studies College. I then went online in 1996 with a small startup ISP named Wantree, which was later taken over by Mick Malone's iiNet company, where I remained a customer until 2023.

From 1996 to 2005, I taught multimedia and website development at Joondalup TAFE, witnessing the incredible impact of computers on student projects and on the world around us.

After retiring from TAFE in 2005, I worked as a technical writer for ERG (even traveling to Seattle to instruct some people in the use of the company's products and services, formally retiring from the workforce in 2008. 

In my retirement, I've pursued various interests, including operating the website under the domain name Holiday-WA.net, which I took over from Dave Whyte in 1997, plus developed websites for various local small businesses. Although that domain is now owned by someone else, archived copies of the old website are still available for viewing at the archives.org website. I also regularly attend the Joondalup Men's Shed, where I drink coffee and share tall stories with the other shed members.

In early 2023, I registered the domain name WestCoastTimes.au. My goal with this site is to partner with others to develop a site that will hopefully be of benefit to the residents of Western Australia. I now use Artificial Intelligence applications such as CHATgpt and others to create new materials such as short articles, while staying updated on some of the latest technological developments that continue to become available.

I firmly believe in the importance of embracing change and utilizing new tools, including AI, in creative endeavors. While traditional methods of creating art remain valuable, incorporating new techniques and technologies allows for innovative and exciting possibilities. Today, my focus is on websites and communications media, plus on my garden and other home based projects, with WestCoastTimes.au serving as a platform to promote the work of other individuals, and organisations.

Life is a continuous journey of learning and adapting, and my exploration of different interests and ventures, whether physical, digital, technical, or artistic, continues to inspire me. I remain committed to staying informed about the latest advancements in the ever-evolving landscape of creative and technological pursuits.


YouTube Videos
Apparently, when a YouTube video is displayed on a website via an iframe, it is essentially displaying the video content hosted on YouTube's servers, although within a website page. This action is subject to YouTube's terms of service and the video creator's copyright. YouTube's terms of service allow users to embed videos on other websites, so long as it is done through the appropriate embedding tools.

It is important to note that a video creator may have chosen to enable or disable embedding for their videos. If embedding is allowed, it generally indicates that the creator is granting permission for others to embed and display their videos on external websites. In such cases, embedding the video through an iframe would likely not infringe the creator's original copyright.

On the other hand, if the video creator has specifically disabled embedding for their videos, or if the video is marked as private, unlisted, or requires permission to view, then embedding it without explicit permission could potentially infringe on their copyright, and our goal is to avoid any such infringements on this website.

It's always best to review YouTube's terms of service, as well as any specific usage guidelines provided by the video creator, to ensure that you are complying with copyright laws and respecting the rights of the content creator. If you have concerns about copyright infringement, it's advisable to consult with a legal professional who can provide specific advice based on the relevant laws in your jurisdiction. More here

Please contact us by email if you believe copyright is being infringed on this website. We will then investigate and where appropriate remove the offending links.

We are not presently planning to run display advertising on pages at the site as it is still in the early stages of development, and we may possibly never run conventional display advertising directly on pages at the site, so we ask all business owners to currently please refrain from making advertising enquiries. It is better for business owners to learn how to effectively promote their business websites to Google's search engine, pages of which can be accessed by visitors through various links displayed on this site. We are also at the present time unable to assist directly with school projects, although information available at the site can possibly be of value to teachers and students in assembling information relating to school projects.

Contact Details
To contact us forward an email to us. Note that spam emails will be automatically deleted by AI, meaning that we will never see them. Apart from the purpose of responding to your inquiry and retaining a record of such correspondence for legal purposes, no information is gathered by us, retained or knowingly shared with anyone.

Mission Statement

Valuable reference websites:

The Government of Western Australia: Website
The University of Western Australia: Website
Edith Cowan University: Website
Murdoch University: Website
The Australian Institute of Management: Website
ASIC: Website
Australian Parliamentary Education Office
Other valuable websites